
 Ensuring the longevity of the project is to meet investor demand for use and production. Construction works should be periodically inspected in order to detect damaged parts and parts for repair and timely remedial in order to ensure the life of the works.

Our company provides maintenance services for whole or part of the work items:

  • Maintain and maintain regular electrical equipment weekly: motors, fans, pumps, motors, ...
  • Maintenance of rainwater and wastewater drainage systems every 3-6 months: gutters, drainpipes, drainpipes, manholes, hoppers, ...
  • Check electrical system, electrical leakage periodic 3-6 months: electrical cabinet, phase difference, resistance, alarm cabinets, ...
  • General inspection of the works periodically 12 months: floor, wall; Wall crack, momentum, column, base settlement, deflection of class, electrical contact,...

Please contact us for more information:

  • Hotline: Updating
  • Email: